NVC Case Number Changes
作者: Yevgeny Samokhleb
In recent months, Chinese immigrant visa applicants have been receiving notifications from the National Visa Center (NVC) that their case number is changing. NVC case numbers are initially assigned to applicants after their immigration petition is approved by USCIS. In recent years, most cases in China have been assigned a GZO case number, which is now changing to a GUZ case number.
The first three letters of an NVC case number represent the U.S. consulate that is processing the case. Both GUZ and GZO represent the consulate in Guangzhou, China. Whereas GUZ cases have always required paper submission of documents, GZO was created as a separate code several years ago to process cases via email document submission. NVC is slowly rolling out a new Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) that is not yet available in China, but will eventually become uniform throughout cases from all countries. The recent transition to GUZ case numbers means the cases will have to be processed by paper filings in the immediate future. However, in the long-term, this is another step toward implementation of the new CEAC system for Chinese cases.
Applicants do not need to be concerned about these changes, and do not have to take any action upon receiving a case change notice from NVC. Our law firm receives these notifications as well and enters the new case number into our database.
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